武汉煜炜光学科技有限公司|邀您6月26-28日相约北京测绘展 分享到: |
公司简介: 煜炜光学科技有限公司致力于高端激光雷达测距及扫描产品的研发、制造与销售,是一家专注于高端激光雷达系统产品研究开发的国家高新技术企业。作为国产激光雷达产品研发和探索的先行者,煜炜光学拥有130多项激光雷达领域的核心知识产权,并在测量距离、测量精度、测量速度、点云密度等关键技术指标方面达到业界领先水平,获得了深圳市专精特新中小企业、国家科技型中小企业、光谷瞪羚企业、科技小巨人企业等荣誉。通过持续不断的技术积累和创新,煜炜光学已经形成了高速硬件、精密光学、空间算法、芯片封测、结构分析、高频光源、产品工艺、软件系统八大核心技术平台,具备满足不同行业客户对激光雷达产品的差异化定制能力。公司各类激光雷达产品均已成功运用于智慧公路、铁路交通、工业自动化、港口自动化、地理信息测绘、林业勘查、电力行业、智慧城市、高精度电子地图、安全应急管理等各领域,是国铁集团、国家能源集团、中石化、国家电网、鞍钢集团、上港集团等大型央企的激光雷达主流或唯一设备合作商。公司秉承真诚服务客户、追求工匠品质、踏实努力创新、团队合作共赢的核心价值观,致力于成为世界领先的精密光学测量设备及子系统产品服务提供商。 Kyle Optics Technology Co., Ltd. is committed to the development, manufacturing and sales of high-end Lidar ranging and scanning products. It is a national high-tech enterprise focusing on the research and development of high-end Lidar system products. As a pioneer in the development and exploration of Lidar products, Kyle Optics has a number of core invention patents in the field of Lidar, and has reached the industry-leading level in key technical indicators such as measuring distance, measuring accuracy, measuring speed, and point cloud density. Through continuous technology accumulation and innovation, Kyle Optics has formed eight core technology platforms of high-speed hardware, precision optics, spatial algorithm, chip encapsulation, structural analysis, high-frequency light source, product process and software system, and has the ability to meet the differentiated customization of LiDAR products from customers in different industries. All kinds of LiDAR products of the company have been successfully used in smart road, railway traffic, industrial automation, port automation, geographic information mapping, forestry exploration, power industry, smart city, high-accuracy electronic map, safety emergency management and other fields. Adhering to the core values of sincere service to customers, pursuit of artisan quality, steadfast innovation and win-win team cooperation, the company is committed to becoming the world's leading provider of precision optical measuring equipment and subsystem products and services. 公司产品:
上一篇:相对视觉(北京)科技发展有限公司|邀您6 下一篇:北京相逢明天科技有限公司|邀您6月26- |
联系人:潘先生 手机/微信 :188-0182-3515 沪ICP备20019626号-4
商务QQ:916984267 邮 箱:916984267@qq.com