东莞市光点电子科技有限公司参加CISMEXPO 分享到: |
![]() 點科技公司成立於2009年,總部設立在香港,生產基地位於廣東東莞。光點科技是由一群熱愛無人機的精英們組成,他們在該領域有著十多年的豐富經驗,具有超前的創新意識和獨創性思維,在技術及研發領域均有獨創性建樹。 在無人機研製領域,光点科技一直是全球領跑者,它所取得的成就有目共睹。光点科技沿襲了它更多的設計技術特點和工作經驗,有效的將香港的先進設計理念、技術及現代化的商業運作模式,與東莞的高效、低生產成本完美結合。所以,我們的無人機產品性價比更高,功能更完善,性能更卓越! 目前,我們已經成功地研製出多種機型無人機,可廣泛應用於測量、偵查、安全、科學探索、搜索和救援等領域。這些無人機外形小巧,攜帶方便;操作簡單,使用方便;性能先進,用途多樣;可滿足不同客戶的多重需求。“酒香不怕巷子深”,我們的無人機產品目前已出口多個國家和地區,並受到客戶的高度讚譽。 未來,我們將會利用最先進的尖端技術和最新的材料,以最合理的價格,為客戶提供全系UAV產品及系統的問題解決方案。 Sparkle Tech is perceived, owned and operated by passionate UAV enthusiasts with over ten years experience in this field. We pride ourselves of our innovative design and originality of idea. Hence we have taken necessary measures to protect our copyright and intellectual properties. Company Profile Sparkle Tech is one of the leading designers and manufacturers of industrial application airframe for a decade. We have office based in Hong Kong and production facilities located in Dong Guan City of China. As such, we are able to amalgamate advanced design technology and modern business operation in Hong Kong with world renowned efficient and cost-effective production in China. Vision We strongly believe Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) is the most cost-effective solution to many existing and future professional airborne applications such as surveying, security, scientific exploration, search and rescue. Mission We endeavour to provide the best UAV products and solutions utilising cutting edge technologies and materials at the most reasonable price to our customers. Achievement We have successfully designed and produced the EAGLE EYES – a UAV with industrial specifications – using advanced design such as twin vertical fin, huge wingspan and aft-facing propeller, and modern materials such as honeycomb core and carbon fiber. Its design objective is to suit the need of medium scale professional airborne missions. Ranger is the one of the best and high efficient aircraft carrying 1kg payload and achieve 3+ hours endurance with gasoline engine and 1.5 hours of electric motor. Handy carrying box specially design for the best storage and moving around to the field. The features and specifications are detailed in the relevant sections of this website.
上一篇:西安欧特威数码携六旋翼航测无人机参加CI 下一篇:天泰北斗科技携手持GPS设备参加CISM |
联系人:刘 鑫 先生 手机/微信:13240800242
商务QQ:861727071 传 真:+86-21-3123 5346